A Beautiful Goodbye


it is often not talked about enough in our modern culture, but death is a natural part of life. When we can complete the process of our lives with grace and dignity, feeling that our time here had meaning and we have left behind a legacy of love and care, we can experience what could be called a good death.

Likewise, it is possible to companion your loved one and do all that you can to ensure that his or her final weeks, days, and moments are comfortable, free of pain, and full of love. Our hospice team is expert in helping manage any discomfort so you can have the conversations you want to have and share meaningful and sacred moments together.

When time is growing short, you can create a feeling of peace and love around your loved one by

  • Playing softly your loved one’s favorite music
  • Letting a beloved pet snuggle on the bed
  • Including fresh flowers in the room
  • Using aromatherapy to provide a favorite soft scent
  • Offering prayers or reading your loved one’s favorite poetry
  • Expressing your love and gratitude, sharing your heart
  • Making contact by holding his or her hand or laying beside your loved one in bed

Our hospice chaplains are available to come at any time in the process you feel a prayer or blessing would be helpful for your loved one or your family. We can also help contact your pastor or priest for blessings that are important in your tradition.

Our social workers have prepared a brochure to help families member know what practical details need to be taken care of following the death. Read and download the “What Do We Do Now? brochure.

At Suburban Hospice, we have an extensive bereavement care program that provides grief support for family members for 13 months following the loss. Know that you never walk alone, and kind and expert care is always within reach.