The Mourner's Bill of Rights

Family members who attend our grief group have said that The Mourner’s Bill of Rights is helpful to them as they begin to find their way through their loss in their own way. Each of our losses is unique because each of our relationships is unique. We mourn in our own way and our own time. If you or someone you know are going through a time of loss, we hope this list provides some comfort and support.

If you would like to know more about our comprehensive bereavement program, please visit our Bereavement Care page. Hospice family members and members of the community are all welcome to our weekly grief group. At the present time we are meeting only online due to virus precautions, but hope to be able to meet in person before long.

If you have questions about grief or want to find out more about our bereavement program, please call (833) 888-7222.

Mourners Bill of Rights