Approaching Death

As a person naturally approaches death, a slowing down of the body’s physical and mental systems occur.  This process is different for each individual and may vary from hours to days, weeks, and even months.

There are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that the dying process is approaching.  These changes may help you recognize the approach of the dying process:

  • Increased fears, including a fear of being left alone
  • Increased awareness of spiritual and/or religious issues
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Increased weakness, requiring more assistance with care
  • Increase or decrease in pain
  • Increased drowsiness and sleeping
  • Having difficulty swallowing, more frequent coughing or choking
  • Decreased desire for food or fluids
  • Forgetfulness
  • Restlessness, confusion, hallucinations

Usually the more symptoms the patient experiences, the more likely they are approaching the dying process. Your Suburban Hospice team will be monitoring these symptoms during the course of regularly scheduled visits.  If you are concerned or unsure about how to manage these or other symptoms, please ask or call your Suburban Hospice, Inc. team at 833-888-7222. You are not alone.