Breathing Pattern

Breathing patterns may change during the dying process as the body’s systems naturally slow down. Respirations may gently slow down and space out, or there may be a period of transition where breathing pattern is very rapid and labored before breath pattern slows and spaces out.  Both patterns and any variation of the two are quite normal during the dying process.  Medications are used to ease labored breathing.

Frequently a person develops some secretions in their throat which causes a “rattle” as air moves through these secretions, thus the term, “death rattle”.  This happens when the person is too weak to swallow, cough, or clear his/her throat.  This “rattling” can be quite loud and disturbing for family and friends to hear but people are usually not uncomfortable and not aware of their noisy breathing at this time.  Medications are useful to help dry up these secretions to some extent.

What You Can Do

If this noisy breathing is upsetting to you or other family members, you can:

  • Elevate the head of the bed.
  • Turn the person from side to side.
  • Avoid suctioning, which has little effect and will often cause more congestion.
  • Use medications available to help dry up some of the secretions and decrease the noise.
  • Talk to your hospice team about your concerns.

Please feel free to call your Suburban Hospice, Inc. team at 833-888-7222 for any questions or concerns you may have about breathing changes during the dying process.  You are not alone.