Make a Donation
As a non-profit organization, Suburban Hospice relies on and greatly appreciates donations, which help us provide care in our community. We host one fundraising event during the year, known as the Circle of Life service, which is traditionally held the first Sunday of December each year. We love this event as do many in our area. It gives us a chance to see one another and do something at the holidays in honor of the loved ones we miss every day.
But your gifts to us—gifts of time, talent, as well as treasure—mean so much. And this year, when we’ve been given the opportunity to be creative, so many of you contributed in so many colorful ways! We received gifts of food (from entire breakfasts to pizza to cakes, cookies, and more), gifts of masks (much appreciated! And used!), to financial donations that helped us continue to provide day to day support for our families.
We received donations of blankets (back before full virus precautions kicked in), lots of prayer support, donuts and donated meals, and countless cards and notes from you all sending encouraging words and expressions of gratitude and love. Every single bit of it, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated!
If you’d like to make a donation to Suburban Hospice, you can make your donation easily and securely.
- By Mail: You can send a check to Suburban Hospice, Inc., 14297 Bergen Blvd, Noblesville, IN 46060.
- Online: You can also make a secure donation online at https://www.hancockhealth.org/about/foundation/. Click the Make a Donation Today button, and then, in the Designate Your Gift line, choose Suburban Hospice.
You can also help us spread the word by following us online and sharing our posts! Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/Suburban-Hospice-100440221405091. Thank you!